A downloadable Software for Windows

Shape Generator is a python project that generates random, meaningless shapes for your enjoyment. 

The way it works is that the turtle will start by drawing forward by 1, and then turning by the amount of degrees inputted. On the next turn, it will move forward by 2, and turn by the amount of degrees inputted. The distance travelled forward will increase until it hits the turns inputted, where it will then return to 1. This often creates unique patterns.

Turns: The amount of turns and increase the turtle will make before going back to 1

Degrees: The amount of degrees in which the turtle turns on each turn. 90 degrees makes the most simplistic shapes.

Degree Change: The amount in which the degrees changes each turn, this creates some wild shapes.

Size Multiplier: If the shape is too small or large to see fully, clear the canvas and change the size multiplier so that you can see it.

Horizontal/Vertical Offset: Use this entries to move the shape to be drawn, this allows you to draw multiple shapes on the canvas at the same time without them intersecting.

Draw Time: This can be set for a low number for most shapes, but for some where it does not loop around in the specified time you may want to increase the draw time to see what the shape will get to in a longer period of time.

Color: Changes the color of the upcoming shape, but not others already on the canvas, so you can have multiple shapes with different colors on the same canvas.


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